You can support this channel on Patreon! Link below These devices are a common sight in homes and businesses around the US and around the world. But what are they for? Why do we need them? This video explores the life-saving potential of the GFCI (known alias: RCD) and explains how they work. Do you like videos like this? Why not support the channel on Patreon! Funny, that last sentence was a question, but it’s said like an exclamatory statement. Odd, this English. Anyway, Patrons of the channel have enabled me to make this my job, and it’s really neat! I’d love to be able to make bigger and more elaborate videos, and with your help I can. If you’re interested in supporting the channel with a voluntary pledge, please check out my Patreon page. Thanks for your consideration! And thank you to the following Patrons! Charlie Quigley, Dakota Williams, Adam Erickson, Kevin Terrell, Tommi Hares, Trevor Smith, Thomas Fuchs, Callum Brieske, Tomas, Chuck Floyd, Eitan Tal, Emil Gilliam, Andy Copsey, Bitcore, Filip, Per 'Zapro' Jensen, Ward Sutherland, Örn Arnarson, Alberto Amatucci, etho624, Tomasz Kolinko, Carles Codony, Samuel Plainfield, Jason McMillon, TeaChest Media, Michael Pacheco, Jason Ganiatsas, Mike Gerow, Marc Schroth, Andrew J Thom, Samuel Blakey, Mrpirate707, Frank Harris, Joseph Spiros, Patrick Meister, Sergey Kiselev, Clara Latter, Ashley Grant, Scott Emmett O'Donnell, Tianyu Ge, jeekl, rozboris, Kelly Rose, Paul Fisher, Stephen Vrazel, Applied Science, Peter ford, Sophie Haskins, James Id, Brendan Sheehy, Jay Foreman, Rich Theobald, Kyle Olson, Bryan Reid, Quinton Wilson, Jeremy DeGuzman, Sean Spark, Lucas Hartbarger, Taylor Cuzela, David Lastres, Granger Meador, Jeremy Kitchen, Jason Wellband, Shane Belaire, Paul Emmerich, Matthew Rossi, Paul Craigie, Alex Smith, Nick, Tyler, Paul Williams, Steven Hidy, Fredrik Grufman, Kollin O'Dannel, RJ Kent, Yona, Kevin Strehl, Tony DeSimone, Mike Bailey, Maggie Brown, Howard Kraut, TM, Mark Nicholas Wales, T.J. Steckbeck, Pavlo Pravdiukov, Marco Anastasi, Peter Byrd, Trix Farrar, Matthew Razza, Mitchel J. Mullin II, Jakob Strande Langgaard, Jan Staval, Paul Walton, Matt Falcon, Steven First, Denver Alexander, Conor Hennessy Sykes, FinaleGrande, Christopher Dickey, OnlyOneSolutionTBHFam, Matt Sackett, Tim Juchcinski, Wayne Marsh, Ernie Smith, foophoof, Stein Strindhaug Don’t see your name? Don’t worry! To keep this little perk alive, the $5 patron shoutout is now on a rotating basis! If you’re not here, you should be here in one of the next two videos. If you’ve slipped through the cracks, don’t hesitate to send me a message via Patreon and I’ll fix it!